Sunday, July 26, 2009


I lived in a 'gamers house' for the best part of a year when I first moved out of my parents and in with my other half. It was disturbingly bachelor-esque and I'd rather not count the amount of coke bottles and pizza boxes that littered the place on a weekly basis. I appreciated the venue a lot more after I moved out again and finally started gaming with them the next year.

The first game I joined was Adventure! A d10 based Indiana Jones style game. More info at!

We were working for the Inquisition, only the inquisition still existed today. The party consisted of knight of the Swiss guard, a priest with demonic powers, a fem fatal mercenary, a monk inventor and later on in the story, a nun and her... nunlings. Magda was the attack dog of the group.

Name: Magda Furgalska
Age: 16
Class: Daredevil
Concept: Loyal psychopath
Likes: God
Loathes: Women

Favourite moments:
Screaming abuse at the nun because she wasn't showing the priest the proper respect.
Trying to kill the fem fatal when she announced her plans to marry said priest.

Back story:
A Polish girl and an only child, her father was abusive and her mother did nothing but protect him. When she was still young (around eight i think), she snapped and stabbed him to death with some kitchen implements. When authorities were finally called, her mother called her a demon and raved that the girl had murdered her beloved. Of course nobody believed her. She was taken away and locked up and Magda was sent to a Roman Catholic orphanage.

Her mother planted the seeds of hate against the 'pathetic, weaker sex' in Magda, but it didn't help that she was raised by nuns. She quickly became a zealot, and saw it as her duty to do the work of God and serve the priests and other male leaders of the Catholic church. Egged on by a mentor of that ilk, she also took it upon herself to punish those wicked girls that dared to call themselves servants and then sin or blaspheme.

Strangely, as a character Magda was well liked. I guess there's something lovable about a vicious dog, so long as you have it's loyalty...

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